No.1 JAVA Training Course offered in Kerala
Camerinfolks offers the best Java course in Kerala with a practical and hands-on approach. This course covers a wide range of topics, including Java fundamentals, object-oriented programming (OOP), and working with Java libraries and frameworks. Additionally, we provide assured placement assistance to help you kickstart a promising career in Java development after completing the course.
- 4 Months
- 4 Hrs. on Weekdays
- Kochi
What is Java Training?
Java is a widely-used programming language that has been popular among developers for over two decades. It is a multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric language that can be used as a platform in itself.
- Multi-platform: Java code can be run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.
- Object-oriented: Java is an object-oriented programming language, which is based on the concept of objects, which can contain data and code.
- Network-centric: Java is designed to be used in networked environments, and includes features for creating and accessing network resources.
- Web applications: Java is commonly used for coding web applications, including mobile apps, enterprise software, and server-side technologies.
- Game development: Many popular mobile, computer, and video games are built in Java, and even modern games that integrate advanced technology like machine learning or virtual reality are built with Java technology.
- Cloud computing: Java is used in cloud computing to create distributed systems that can be accessed from anywhere.
- E-commerce applications: Java supports multiple e-commerce applications with built-in operations like Servlet, JSP, and Struts.
Job Opportunities:
Job prospects for a skilled JAVA developer are abundant and diverse which include fields like DevOps developer, Cloud engineer, Full stack developer, Game Developer, etc.
Java is popular because it is a free-to-use and versatile language that is fast, secure, and reliable. It is also interoperable with nearly all languages, and Java developers can write Java code once and utilise it in several places. Java is still relevant in 2023, with estimates suggesting that more than 12 million IT engineers worldwide work with this stack.
We provide training and make use of JAVA in the software industry field through practical lessons and training through live projects.
- Special Training :
- Aptitude
- Group Discussion
- HR Round & Resume Preparation
- Mock Interviews
- Communication Classes
Introduction To Java , History Of Java, Features Of Java, Comparison In Java And C & C++,JDK, JRE, JVM, Setting Up Java Environment, Java Coding Standards, Java Keywords, Java Data Types And Variables, Java Operators, Java Comments, Key Board Input(Scanner),Java Basic Program, Control Structures.
Object & Class, Constructors, Inheritance, Abstraction & Encapsulation, Getters And Setters, Inheritance & Polymorphism, Dynamic Method Dispatch (Runtime Polymorphism), Interface, Super, Final, This, Static Keywords, Package, Access Modifiers, Nested And Inner Classes, Array-For-Each Loop.
Strings, String Buffer Class, String Builder And String to kenizer, Java Exception Handling->Types Of Exception, Try, Catch & Finally, Throw And Throws, User Defined Exception, Java Multithreading->Thread And Life Cycles, Thread Class And Runnable Interface, Synchronization, Non- Synchronization ,File In Java ->Working With Reader Classes, Input Output Streams, Buffer Classes ,Java Collections Framework->Core Interfaces In Collections, Generic And Non-Generic,List- Arraylist ,Linked List, Vector, Set-Hashset, Linkedhashset, Treeset, Map – Hashmap, Treemap, Linkedhashmap, Hashtable, Typecasting In Java Math Function, Recursion In Java, Lambda Expression.
DB Concepts, SQL Fundamentals & Statements->Mysql & Sql Server Queries, Functions, Groups, Joins, Operators Normalization, Java Data Base Connectivity, JDBC Drivers & Architecture).
HTML5, CSS, BOOTSTRAP 5-Create A Responsive Web Site, Javascript-Validation, Jquery, Ajax
JDBC connectivity, Introduction To Jsp->Jsp Tags, CRUD Operation And Login In JSP, Servlet, MVC Architecture-Practice And Sample Application .
ORM Concepts->Hibernate Overview, Architecture, Jpa Entities And Basic Hibernate Annotation, Discuss About Hibernate Interfaces And Classes, Transaction-Acid Properties, Difference Between Sql And Hql Languages, Hcql, Create Sample Crud And Login Application
Spring Concepts, Feature Of Spring-Dependency Injection And Inversion Of Control, Spring Modules, Important Spring Annotation-Autowriting, Reguestmapping, Modelatributes, Spring Data Jpa, Spring Aop, Spring Mvc-Conectps Of Spring Mvc, Sample Application Creation, Spring Boot-Concepts Of Spring Boot, Springboot Annotations, Configuration, Ample Application Development Using Spring Boot With Thymeleaf.
Admission Process
There are 3 simple steps in the Admission Process which is detailed below:
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Java Training FAQs
Ans: Java finds applications in various computing domains, such as desktop computing, where it’s used for creating cross-platform applications, and numerical computing, although it’s not as specialized as some other languages like Python for this purpose.
Ans: No, Camerinfolks does not require any prerequisites for enrolling in the Java certification program. However, having a basic understanding of computer systems and programming languages is beneficial.
Ans: The Java Certification course covers a range of subjects, including the evaluation of relational databases, utilization of Java APIs, construction of robust object-oriented applications, file manipulation for reading and writing, comprehension and creation of graphical user interfaces, and implementation of input validation within Java programs.
Ans: The remuneration of a Java specialist post-course completion varies based on factors like the work environment, job role, and responsibilities. With two years of experience, a Java specialist can earn around Rs. 5,50,000 per annum, while those with five years of experience might receive a salary of approximately Rs. 7,50,000 per annum.
Ans: Upon completing the Java certification at Camerinfolks, students can aim for various job roles, including quality assurance analyst, subject matter expert, technical architect, java developer, development lead, and project manager. These opportunities span across diverse and prominent industries.
Ans: At Camerinfolks, we offer assistance and support to all our students. If you miss any classes, you can communicate your concerns to us. Our team will then organize the necessary number of makeup classes as soon as possible to help you catch up.